paypal new cashout method

Now you MUST remember throughout reading this article as well as when you will start carding that it is 2022, so a lot has changed regarding the online security scene since the crisis. the corona of 2020 that has taken the world by storm.

So the first thing is first, you will need to get a  “Burner SIM”, so create a real Paypal account with that ” Burner SIM ” using your credit card. PrePay credit to get verified account status, the reason you need to use Prepaid CC is to verify your PayPal account.

Once this is done you will use the same  “Burner SIM”  to register with  ” LiqPay ”  (yes LiqPay is a Ukrainian bank) From your PayPal account, create a  “donate button”, it really is easy to do, then using the CC you just added a money deposit using the donate button.

Read : Google pay cashout method

Now buy bitcoin using PayPal with the card by liqpay, then transfer your money to your BTC address.

Still confused?

Here’s how it works step by step!

1.   Obtain a SIM card from the burner.

2.  Create a real Paypal account using your real credit card (must be verified).

3.  Register on

4.  Create a donation button on PayPal

5.  Using your CC, deposit money via the donate button. (any amount less than 100 € for an entry)

6.  Buy bitcoins using a PayPal card by LiqPay

7.  Now send this money to your own BTC address

This is how you go about it and this was the first method, we hope this helped you understand how simple things are when you understand the mechanics to get the job done!

Recommended and verify Website to buy valide cc, fullz, bank login :

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